Կառավարության 3-րդ մասնաշենքի մոտ քաոսային իրավիճակ էր: Ոստիկանների ու ցուցարարների միջեւ բախումներ են:

Clashes between the protesters and the policemen took place when the protesters tried to enter the third building of the Government during a protest action in Yerevan, Armenia

Clashes between the protesters and the policemen took place when the protesters tried to enter the third building of the Government during a protest action in Yerevan, Armenia

Clashes between the protesters and the policemen took place when the protesters tried to enter the third building of the Government during a protest action in Yerevan, Armenia

Clashes between the protesters and the policemen took place when the protesters tried to enter the third building of the Government during a protest action in Yerevan, Armenia

Clashes between the protesters and the policemen took place when the protesters tried to enter the third building of the Government during a protest action in Yerevan, Armenia

Clashes between the protesters and the policemen took place when the protesters tried to enter the third building of the Government during a protest action in Yerevan, Armenia
Ոստիկանները ակտիվիստներին հողերի, խոտերի մեջ գցելով, գետնին քարշ տալով բերման են ենթարկում բաժիններ:

Clashes between the protesters and the policemen took place when the protesters tried to enter the third building of the Government during a protest action in Yerevan, Armenia
Խառնաշփոթի մեջ ոստիկանները բերման էին ենթարկել նաեւ ԶԼՄ ներկայացուցիչ Վահե Սարգսյանին, պատառոտել վերնաշապիկը: Նա բերման ենթարկվելիս ասում էր՝ տղերք, սպասեք ցույց տամ փաստաթուղթ, սպասեք կոշիկս գտնեմ, հագնեմ, ոստիկանները չէին լսում ու թեւերից բռնած՝ ուղեկցում էին բաժին՝ ասելով, թե՝ «կոշիկդ էլ ի՞նչ, կոշիկդ մնացել է այնտեղ»:
Ավելի ուշ, երբ ոստիկանական գազելում նա բացատրել էր, ցույց էր տվել բեյջը, բաց թողեցին: Վահե Սարգսյանը պատմում էր, որ իր մարմնի տարբեր հատվածներին հարվածել են բերման ենթարկելիս:
Կարդացեք նաև

Clashes between the protesters and the policemen took place when the protesters tried to enter the third building of the Government during a protest action in Yerevan, Armenia

Clashes between the protesters and the policemen took place when the protesters tried to enter the third building of the Government during a protest action in Yerevan, Armenia

Clashes between the protesters and the policemen took place when the protesters tried to enter the third building of the Government during a protest action in Yerevan, Armenia

Clashes between the protesters and the policemen took place when the protesters tried to enter the third building of the Government during a protest action in Yerevan, Armenia

Clashes between the protesters and the policemen took place when the protesters tried to enter the third building of the Government during a protest action in Yerevan, Armenia

Clashes between the protesters and the policemen took place when the protesters tried to enter the third building of the Government during a protest action in Yerevan, Armenia

Clashes between the protesters and the policemen took place when the protesters tried to enter the third building of the Government during a protest action in Yerevan, Armenia

Clashes between the protesters and the policemen took place when the protesters tried to enter the third building of the Government during a protest action in Yerevan, Armenia

Clashes between the protesters and the policemen took place when the protesters tried to enter the third building of the Government during a protest action in Yerevan, Armenia

Clashes between the protesters and the policemen took place when the protesters tried to enter the third building of the Government during a protest action in Yerevan, Armenia

Clashes between the protesters and the policemen took place when the protesters tried to enter the third building of the Government during a protest action in Yerevan, Armenia

Clashes between the protesters and the policemen took place when the protesters tried to enter the third building of the Government during a protest action in Yerevan, Armenia

Clashes between the protesters and the policemen took place when the protesters tried to enter the third building of the Government during a protest action in Yerevan, Armenia
Մի ցուցարարի գլխի վրա շուռ տված, ոտքերը վերեւ պահած մի քանի հոգով բերեցին նույն գազելը, այստեղից տեղեկացրեցին, որ այլեւս տեղ չկա, տարեք: Այդպես բերանքսիվայր շուռ տված՝ քաղաքացուն տանում էին այս ու այն կողմ, մինչեւ հարմար տեղ գտնեին՝ բերման ենթարկելու:
Ոստիկանները քաշքշում էին նաեւ ԱԺ փոխնախագահ Իշխան Սաղաթելյանին: Մի պահ նրա ինքնազգացողությունը վատացել էր, շշով ջուր էր լցնում գլխին:

Clashes between the protesters and the policemen took place when the protesters tried to enter the third building of the Government during a protest action in Yerevan, Armenia

Clashes between the protesters and the policemen took place when the protesters tried to enter the third building of the Government during a protest action in Yerevan, Armenia

Clashes between the protesters and the policemen took place when the protesters tried to enter the third building of the Government during a protest action in Yerevan, Armenia

Clashes between the protesters and the policemen took place when the protesters tried to enter the third building of the Government during a protest action in Yerevan, Armenia