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4. The capital of the Republic of Armenia is Yerevan.

Հունիս 04,2002 00:00

CONSTITUTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF ARMENIA The Armenian People, recognizing as a basis the fundamental principles of Armenian statehood and the national aspirations engraved in the Declaration of Independence of Armenia, having fulfilled the sacred message of its freedom-loving ancestors for the restoration of the sovereign state, committed to the strengthening and prosperity of the fatherland, in order to ensure the freedom, general well being and civic harmony of future generations, declaring their faithfulness to universal values, hereby adopts the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia. CHAPTER 1 THE FOUNDATIONS OF CONSTITUTIONAL ORDER Article 1 The Republic of Armenia is a sovereign, democratic state, based on social justice and the rule of law. Article 2. 1. In the Republic of Armenia power lies with the people. 2. The people exercise their power through free elections and referenda, as well as through state and local self-government bodies and officials prescribed by the Constitution. 3. The usurpation of power by any organization or individual constitutes a crime. Article 3. 1. In the Republic of Armenia the human being, his/her dignity and fundamental rights and freedoms are an ultimate value. 2. The chief mission of the state is the creation of necessary conditions for the fundamental rights and freedoms of the human and the citizen and the ensuring of their implementation. 3. The fundamental human rights and freedoms predetermine the meaning and content of laws, the activities of the executive power and local self-government and are secured by justice. Article 4. The elections of the Parliament and the self-government bodies of the communities, as well as referenda, shall be held based on the right to free, universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot. Article 5. 1. State power shall be exercised based on the separation of the legislative, executive and judicial powers, their mutual checks and restraints. 2. State and local self-government bodies and officials are competent to perform only such acts, for which they are authorized by the Constitution and laws. Article 6. 1. In the Republic of Armenia political and ideological pluralism and multipartyism is guaranteed. 2. No ideology may be recognized as state or mandatory. 3. The State creates necessary conditions for the free competition of political forces, which is guaranteed by the legislative recognition, enshrining and protection of the political rights and freedoms of citizens. 4. The parties are formed and act freely. They contribute to the formation, expression and implementation of the political will of the people. 5. Equal conditions for free activity are guaranteed for the parties. 6. The objectives and activities of the parties may not contravene the foundations of Constitutional order, nor may their structure and practice contradict the principles of democracy. 7. The parties shall publish annual reports on the sources of their financing and expenses. Article 7. 1. The supremacy of lawful law is guaranteed in the Republic of Armenia. 2. The Constitution of the Republic of Armenia has supreme juridical force and its norms are applicable directly. Laws found to contradict the Constitution as well as other legal acts found to contradict the Constitution and the laws have no juridical force. 3. Laws, and other normative legal acts touching on human rights, freedoms and duties, take effect only after their official promulgation. 4. The commonly recognized norms of international law are the constituent part of the legal system of the Republic of Armenia. They have supremacy over the laws. 5. International treaties that have been ratified by the Republic of Armenia are a constituent part of the legal system of the Republic. 6. International treaties that contradict the Constitution may be ratified only after making corresponding amendments to the Constitution. 7. International treaties containing norms not contradicting the Constitution but contradicting laws shall be presented for ratification in one package with the draft laws, which provide for making amendments and supplements in the acting laws in compliance with the norms of the treaties being ratified. 8. The law may authorize the Government and the Ministries to adopt normative acts concerning the activities of physical and legal persons, by defining the contents, purpose and scope of authority of those bodies. Article 8. The basis of the economic order of the Republic of Armenia is the social market economy based on free economic competition, and solidarity, dialogue and cooperation between social partners. Article 9. Local self-government is recognized and guaranteed in the Republic of Armenia. Article 10. 1. The Republic of Armenia runs a policy for the developing and strengthening of multifaceted linkages with the Diaspora, the main objective of which is the preservation of the Armenian identity. 2. The Republic of Armenia supports repatriation. 3. Every one of Armenian ethnicity acquires citizenship of the Republic of Armenia from the moment of establishing permanent residence in the Republic of Armenia. Article 11. The Republic of Armenia, within the scope of the norms of international law, supports the preservation of Armenian historical and cultural values located in other countries, assists the development of Armenian educational and cultural life. Article 12. 1. The state language of the Republic of Armenia is Armenian. 2. The flag of the Republic of Armenia is tricolor, with red, blue and orange equal horizontal stripes. 3. The coat of arms and the national anthem of the Republic of Armenia are defined by law. 4. The capital of the Republic of Armenia is Yerevan.

Համաձայն «Հեղինակային իրավունքի եւ հարակից իրավունքների մասին» օրենքի՝ լրատվական նյութերից քաղվածքների վերարտադրումը չպետք է բացահայտի լրատվական նյութի էական մասը: Կայքում լրատվական նյութերից քաղվածքներ վերարտադրելիս քաղվածքի վերնագրում լրատվական միջոցի անվանման նշումը պարտադիր է, նաեւ պարտադիր է կայքի ակտիվ հղումի տեղադրումը:

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